Bibliographical Society of America Webinar
The AOR team was delighted to be invited to take part in a “webinar” arranged by The Bibliographical Society of America in March 2020. This 56-minute webinar provides an introduction to AOR intended for anyone – experts and non-experts – wishing to learn how it can be customized for on-line teaching and directed research at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
For more information for on-line instruction and directed research exercise ideas for students, including sample exercises with direct links to AOR, you can visit the “Teaching from AOR” section of the AOR website.
AOR London Symposium
To cap off the second phase of AOR, a symposium on Gabriel Harvey and John Dee was held at the University of London’s Senate House on 25 January 2019. The speakers included current and former archaeologists, as well as historians of reading from a number of US and UK institutions. You can learn more about it on our blog, or you can click here to view the materials and talks given at the symposium.
AOR Poster
Click here to download the glossy AOR poster which contains all the essential information about the project! A low-resolution version of the poster is available here.
Authority Files
Standard identifiers that have been used throughout the XML transcriptions to tag the names of people, titles of books, and names of geographical locations are available in the following spreadsheets. Please note that the first column in each of these spreadsheets contains the standard identifier.
Click here to download the overview of the books tagged in the XML transcriptions [Excel]
Click here to download the overview of the geographical locations tagged in the XML transcriptions [Excel]
Click here to download the overview of the people tagged in the XML transcriptions [Excel]
For detailed bibliographical information of the books in the AOR corpora (including the internal book IDs used in the AOR Data Releases, click here [Excel].
For the spreadsheets comprising the internal image IDs and the corresponding page numbers or signatures in the AOR viewer, click here [ZIP]. Please note that the names of the folders and the individual spreadsheets refer to the internal book IDs which can be retrieved from the corpus spreadsheet in the Data Release or from the spreadsheet containing detailed bibliographical information of the books in the AOR corpora, above.
In order to successfully manage a large multi-team, multi-site research project, we have often had to adopt a “corporate” approach to methodology: working practices have been standardised and made explicit in a step-by-step handbook. This Transcriber’s Manual is the “bible” for the project, combining a guide to the researcher’s workflow, documentation of our XML schema, and a relation of the many decisions we have had to make along the way.
Click here to download the AOR2 Transcriber’s Manual [PDF]
Click here to download the AOR1 Transcriber’s Manual [PDF]
The User Documentation provides a detailed overview of the AOR viewer and its functionalities.
Click here to download the User Documentation [PDF]
We have generated two documents in which the AOR1 corpus is numerically broken down and analyzed.
For the first document (August 2016), click here [PDF].
For the second document (January 2017), click here [PDF].
Project code and raw transcription data
All relevant project code can be accessed in the AOR Developers GitHub repository. All the XML transcriptions can be retrieved from the AOR GitHub repository.
Streaming videos
Here you can view videos of the dissemination activities we have been involved in.
CNI 2017, Spring Meeting (April 3-4, 2017)
The joint presentation of Sayeed Choudhury and Jaap Geraerts at the Spring Meeting of the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) (April 3, 2017).
The AOR1 launch at UCL (October 13, 2016)
1) Matt Symonds’ general introduction and Earle Havens’ presentation
2) Matt Symonds’ presentation and Q&A
3) Jaap Geraerts’ presentation
4) Arnoud Visser’s presentation and Q&A
CNI 2015, Fall Meeting (December 14-5, 2015)
The joint presentation of Sayeed Choudhury and Jaap Geraerts at the Fall Meeting of the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) (December 14, 2015).